Ava pour les Professionnels

Contribuez à l'accessibilité totale pour ceux qui sont sourds & malentendants

Des conversations entre docteur et patients pour les sourds et malentendants.

Ava est l'option la plus simple quand il y a urgence : parlez dans leur téléphone, écoutez leur réponse.

Ava is a mobile app that everyone (coworkers, family members, friends) downloads on their smartphone. By connecting each smartphone’s microphone via the app, Ava captions what the group says on the deaf/hard-of-hearing person phone. They can then answer by either talking, or if they have a “Deaf” voice, typing. Ava can even voice the deaf person’s answer.

Though VRI services are usually available, in many situations it takes a long time to connect to one, andvery important health information can be lost in the conversation with deaf/hard-of-hearing people. Ava is an option for patients to communicate with doctors, heath professionals & medical staff, when time is not an option.

If you’re a healthcare professional who is facing these issues and you are interested in seeing how Ava can help, please leave us your information.